Friday, March 29, 2024

Color and Sound


        Throughout the ages, humanity has been aware of the impact and influence of both sound and color. In our laboratory, and those of other scientists that are working with us, we are studying the effect of both sound and color on healing and how these vehicles aid in the stabilizing of an individual.
        Much has been written and published on this subject and our experimental plan is focused on the study of the brain wave patterns of Alpha (8-14cps), Beta (14-28 cops), and Theta (4-8cps). What we are looking for is the change in these patterns upon exposure to color, light, and sound with and without a crystal.
        We have found that the effects of an operator holding a Vogel-cut® crystal are as follows:

a) 4-sided:  increase in theta when crystal is placed in the hand with a decrease in alpha and an increase in beta.
b) 6-sided:  no change in alpha, increase in beta and maintenance in theta.
c) 8-sided:  an expansion of theta, strong expansion of beta, suppression of alpha.

        In my early work using plants as a sensor for the bio-energetic vibration measurements, it was found that specific tone frequencies caused resonance to take place in both the observer and the plant system. This occurred at 700 cycles, 14 kilocycles, and 21 kilocycles. These resonant nodes discovered in 1970 and 1971 are now found to be true with crystals also. They act as an amplifier and bring about an increase in brain wave affinity. As we have found the peak stimulation vibrations with sound, we are now looking for the equivalency in light and color.
        Much has been written on the psycho-physics of color and sound. The correlation of these vibrations with specific function activity in and around the body has received little attention. This is our work: to quantify, through activity of color, light, and sound in its feeding, stimulating, and releasing various partners of vibration which are contained, locked, and fixated in an individual's subtle body.

        When we think of color, especially clothing that is worn, we should always consider the duality of the color being worn. This color is reflecting that vibration into space, thereby working on the subtle body with that radiation. The complement of that color is being absorbed into the dense physical body with its absorption characteristics.
        When we wear a color, the visible color is what is being reflected outwards to an observer. It is the complementary color that is affecting the physical body of the wearer.
        The dualism of color is not present when one deals with light passing through a transparent filter. A filter absorbs all radiation except that particular color that one sees. Therefore, it allows on to be bathed in both the physical and subtle body with that radiation. This has no element of dualism.

        There is another class of pigments which absorb ultra-violet radiation and emit these as fluorescent colors. These are pure sources of pigmented color without the element of dualism. They absorb the radiation that is not in the visible spectrum and translate it into fluorescence and visible light. These types of color are spoken of as daylight fluorescent colors. The effect of these colors is very powerful, especially in the witness (thymus) area.
        Test this for yourself by taking swatches of daylight fluorescent fabric or color swatches, placing the sample on the witness area and breathe in deeply. Observe the effect on your equilibrium with the color present and the not present. Next, try it with ordinary pigments and test the difference.

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