Showing posts with label radionics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label radionics. Show all posts

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Where Two or More are Gathered in My Name: There I Am


    The experiment that will be described took place in Bavaria, Germany in the first week of June 1987. There were about 30 participants in a Bavarian chalet and with these participants was a Roman Catholic Priest who attended the seminar with the group. The house was situated on the side of a mountain overlooking a valley with snow capped peaks in the background. Adjoining was the small town of Wagneritz.

    The seminars were given throughout the day and in the evening a Mass was celebrated with us sitting in a circle around the priest. There was extensiv singing, holding of hands and the reception of Communion. About 21 of the attendees had their own crystals: 4,8 and 12-sided healing crystals. Two of them possessed Herkimer diamonds and one had a natural, single terminated crystal. We decided to measure the fields that were in the crystals before and after Mass on the first day and after Mass on each subsequent day. The jug of water placed on the altar was measured along with the crystals. This was the first time, to the best of our knowledge, that an experiment of this type was done.

    From the experimental work that w had done in our laboratory in San Jose, CA, it was determined that a double terminated healing crystal would resonate with the energies of a person once they had placed their vibration into a crystal. In other words, remote therapy can b given to a person and this therapy can be followed precisely with the Omega 5 instrument designed and built by Daniel Perkins. the Omega 5 attributes numerical values to the forces that are contained in a crystal which has been held in the hand of an individual. We determined three different sets of values, namely:

1. - the numerical value of the geometric form of the device under consideration

2. - the charge transfer to the crystal of the fields contained with the body of an individual, and

3. - the charge envelope which surrounds the body of an individual 

    Where there is an interference with this charge, such as food that is antagonistic to the well being of an individual is placed on the body, the charge level will drop down to a very low value, even to zero. When the food has beneficial value, the charge will be enhanced and will be duplicated to the same value as when the food is ingested by eating. The third set of numerical values occurs when a person receives the thought of well being and of wholeness, from a person who is projecting this to them. These sets of values deal with the transfer of the energetics of their thought of love and joy that are in the mind and heart of this person.

To recap:

1). - The first set of values gives the geometric patterning of the object under measurement. The value we obtain from our double terminated healing crystal is 454, this is true be it a four, six, eight, or twelve sided crystal. This number exactly matches the value obtained when you measure pure water which has not yet received my special treatment. When water and crystal have the same primary vibrational value (454), any charge applied to the crystal can and does transfer directly to the water with no loss in vibrational activity.

2). - The next set of values is the energetics of the fields that are stored in matter itself. At the moment I make no discrimination as to their secondary considerations of these fields. The normal vibrational levels that we encounter are in the three digit figure area. However, an exception to these statements will be given very shortly. This number can be amplified by deep breathing, moving into sunlight, drinking vitalized water, or consuming foods which are healthy for the body.

3). - The third set of values deals with energies that are of a subtle nature. By subtle we mean those forces which are capable of moving freely in and out of a physical body. These forces we may call etheric and are the building blocks of the powers used by mind in constructing thoughtforms and maintaining the balance and totality of being of a human body. These statements are the product if the experimental research in our laboratory. The work is ongoing and developmental at this time. Let us now go back to what took place in Germany.

    Each day we measured these values on the Omega machine using three people: a medical doctor, a physicist, and myself. Our measurements concurred and were recorded. The real surprise took place between the third and fourth day where values rose from the normal three digit numbers to values that we in the 1023 power.

    In the majority of the people whom we measured, the energies within their crystals at the end of the fourth day was the same value as the water that was on the altar. From individual variations in numerical values, we all exhibited 4 (x1034) 5 4, in all of the levels of measurement. The reading for water was 4 (x 1034) 5 4 which differed from the control's reading of a modest 454.

    The individual crystals measured exactly the same as values we had in the water. The exception was the value we obtained with the Herkimer diamond and the natural crystal, both of which showed practically no amplification of the field even after four days of measurement. Two of the individuals with Vogel crystals had values which dropped on the second and third day and came back in harmony with the rest of the group on the fourth day.

    A small sample of the water was bottled, returned to our laboratory in California and measured on August 11, 1987.  The water exhibited exactly the same value that it had when measured with the Omega 5 in Germany, two months from the day of original testing.

    We then did an ultra-violet spectro-photometric assay for the structuring of the fluid and the result was that the ultra-violet absorbency is the highest we have observed in any sample we have treated to date (8/87).

    The water has stored a vital energy from the activities of the spiritual and religious services. It has maintained this and the product of this activity is a very precise, involved structuring of that fluid. The implication is that when spiritual, religious experiences are undergone, the energy that is created is stored in water, in rock, or in crystal which surround the ceremony. This water can then have the potential of acting in a therapeutic manner. "Where two or more are gathered together, the I am". The love of Christ can enter a group and change not only yourself gut the matter that surround you, the water, the food and the very soil itself.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Marcel J. Vogel


         Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917 - 1991) was a research scientist for IBM’s San Jose facility for 27 years. He received numerous patents for his inventions during this time. Among these was the magnetic coating for the 24” hard disc drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise were phosphor technology, liquid crystal systems, luminescence and magnetics.

         In the 1970’s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal that is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal. The Vogel-cut®  crystal is an instrument that serves to store, amplify, convert, and cohere subtle energies.

         Marcel’s research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system. 


          This article presents an overview of the work of Marcel Vogel. It is not a technical paper, but rather a presentation of possibilities as demonstrated in the life and work of one man. Marcel spent the last 17 years of his life doing pioneering research into the relationship between quartz crystals and water. In retrospect it seems that his entire life brought him to this work. In 1984, after almost 27 years as an IBM senior research scientist, Marcel retired and created his own laboratory, Psychic Research, Inc. The lab was dedicated to the study of subtle forces and energies that radiate from the body of living forms. It was his intent to quantify these forces and build a systematic language of identification for these energies which have most often been labeled and dismissed as “metaphysical”. Among his projects were:

1)   - the structuring of water for purification purposes 
2)  - the structuring of wines to rapidly age them 
3)  - the measurement of energy fields around a crystal 
4)  - the therapeutic application of crystals and crystal devices 

      When visiting his laboratory in San Jose, California, one would find some rather sophisticated scientific equipment inside of what seemed to be a rather ordinary industrial and office complex. In one room there was an electron scanning microscope. Another room was virtually filled with a Zeiss Ultraphot microscope. It had over two hundred accompanying objectives and many applications – dark field, light field, interference microscopy, the use of a contrasting chamber and polarized light microscopy. All of this was attached to a camera, computer, and video display system. The Zeiss, which Marcel assembled during his 27 years at IBM, was used to detect (among other things) magnetic defects and errors. This was more than $500,000. worth of equipment donated by IBM to Marcel at the time of his retirement.

       In another room of the laboratory was a Cary Model 15 spectrophotometer and other incidental equipment. Some was donated by the Stanford Research Institute while others were obtained through grants from the Arthritis Foundation. 

         In yet another room one could find a radionic instrument known as the Omega 5.  This device was used to study the fields seemingly undetectable by the otherwise impressive standard scientific equipment. 


Saturday, February 3, 2024

The human crystal


        A physical body is and has its essential form in the bony structure. An energy analog exists around the body maintaining the balance and total functioning of the physical form.

        This energy field exists as a systematic array of oscillating points of energy which have a layered structure and a definite symmetry. These statements all embody a definition of a normal crystal in material form. The patterning and positioning of these energy points, called nadis, result from breath and its control, including the patterning of thought into these structures, and, above all, the thinking of oneself in wholistic form as a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical being. The original work delineating these types of structures was done by the team of George and Marjorie De La Warr, using a rubbing plate to delineate these patterns in space. A further extension of this work was a thought photography camera developed by George De La Warr. He captured on photographic film an image of these nadis, showing some of them in relation to the positioning of the body of an individual. These fields surrounding the body are very sensitive to weak magnetic fields, a half gauss to 100 gauss. They can be expanded and contracted by the north and south pole of a bar magnet held in opposition to the body. These fields are drawn in with inhalation and released with exhalation.

        If we become attached to a thought process which has a high emotional content, that pattern of thought will be locked into this energetic pattern which surrounds us, and the physical body will manifest itself in a distortion of the form, i.e.: slumping of the shoulder, a shortening of the leg, a twisting of the muscles of the eye or mouth. If continued for an extended period of time, these will become chronic and locked into the body.

        One of the principles of healing with a double terminated healing crystal is to break up these patterns with breath and the energy supplied through the crystal to that normal crystallographic pattern and structure. It is re-assumed and locked into place with the intention of the party being given the treatment to continue to exist in this current state of health and well being. A severe blow, a sudden shock, or sound will cause a displacement of this subtle body, causing a loss of body control resulting in collapse and at times a loss of consciousness. A knowledge of this information makes it possible to rapidly assist as individuals return to consciousness. Place your free hand on the solar plexus and the crystal hand on the heart chakra. Release your breath in a sudden pulse while focusing on the body. Create an image of bringing the etheric field back into the physical body and then slowly draw your breath in. Hold the breath for four to five seconds, then suddenly pull your hands away. Done properly, an unconscious person will come back to active consciousness.

        In the case of strokes or excessive pressure from a tumor, this will not be successful. It requires a great degree and extension of therapy which is not covered here.

        We repeat that a person is existing  both in and out of their body. In successfully maintaining this level of existence, knowledge and love are necessary. This information is the primary object of the teaching we are giving.