Showing posts with label Omega 5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Omega 5. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Finishing of Wine with Crystal Technology


  We are working with Sycamore Creek Winery in Morgan Hill, California with the wines that are currently being produced there (1986). In our laboratory, we first determined the quality potential of the Gamay Blanc that was to be bottled. These qualities were transferred to a master crystal. A control run of 40 cases was bottled. The commercial structuring unit developed by Psychic Research, Inc. for the in-line structuring of wine was installed between the wine holding tank and the bottling unit. The wine was then pumped through our unit and bottled. When we measured and tasted the bottled wine it was exactly the same flavor and bouquet as the experimental trial runs done in the laboratory.

    At least three pallets of wine were bottled at that time, and when we spot checked the bottles, they all had the same heightened bouquet and flavor that we set up as a standard. We have subsequently tested the structured wine over two weeks after initial bottling and the treated sample have retained the distinctive flavor and bouquet of the original pallet.

    We found that we can transfer a program from a laboratory unit in a larger industrial unit and then treat the wine in-line with no loss of speed for the bottling operation. The structuring that we achieved in the winery was not dissipated by the filtering of the wine or the bottling apparatus. We have found that the structured wine is more resistant to rapid breakdown when exposed to trhe atmosphere and will hold its flavor for extended periods of time.

    This work represent four years of research to develop a echnology and art that will upgrade wine without any addition of chemicals, light, or radiation of any obvious sort.

Additional by Rumi Da


    Substantial field experimentation was done to test the application of this process in the treatment of wines.
    At the Sycamore Creek Vineyards in California, a treatment unit with crystal was put in place between the wine holding tanks and the filtering unit. The crystal was charged with a program pertaining to the specific type of grape that was being used for the wine production. The overall intent was to bring the wine to its greatest potential in regard to taste, body, bouquet, and so on. The wine could be altered to whatever parameters were set by the programmer within the possibilities of the grapes being used. During the years of experimentation the “crystal treated” wine won several prizes and was lauded by both wine producers and critics alike.

Industrial Type Device similar to processing unit
used at Sycamore Creek vineyards - Dan Willis photo

    In 1988 I conducted an experiment at the Psychic Research Lab in San Jose, CA in which I was able to successfully transform a new 1988 Sauvignon Blanc to be the same as an award winning 1986 Sauvignon Blanc.

    This was the basic procedure:

    I took a sample of the 1986 wine and measured it on the Omega 5.

   Once I had determined the energetics of the 1986 wine I transferred this information into an 8-sided double terminated Vogel-cut® crystal. The Omega 5 affects this transfer. I then took the crystal and placed it in our structuring unit. The next step was to take the 1988 Sauvignon Blanc and pour it through the unit so that it spun around the programmed crystal. The result was not only a 1988 wine that had the same taste, body, bouquet, and appearance of the award winning 1986, but also a 1988 wine that also measured out as being the same as the ‘86 according to the Omega.

   My effort was only one of many times that this procedure was replicated with success.
How does this happen?

   According to Marcel:

1)   A Vogel-cut® crystal tuned to water is programmed with information so that a  wine will be brought to completion with all of the reactions that are potential in its chemistry.

2)   The wine is then spun around the crystal 1 - 5 times (1x - 5x.)

3)    The wine is the measured with the Omega 5 after each spin.

4)     A decision is made as to which wine is best.

5)     Information is transferred to a master crystal and the wine is run in production.

    When the information becomes critical (at 4x), an abrupt change in the state of the wine takes place in much the manner as we have seen with the liquid crystals.

Marcel Vogel and Omega 5

     I believe we are seeing in the wine a critical transfer of information which can then cause abrupt changes in the chemistry of the system.” (#6.1 Jan 1989)

“We have found that we can transfer a program from a laboratory unit to a larger industrial unit and then treat the wine in line with no loss of speed for the bottling operation. The filtering of the wine or the bottling apparatus did not dissipate the structuring that we achieved in the winery. We found that the structured wine is more resistant to rapid breakdown when exposed to the atmosphere and will hold its flavor for extended periods of time.”

Friday, July 12, 2024

Biological Superconductivity


    F.W. Cope has suggested that the presence of cholesterol molecules in nerve cell bio-membranes may be the basis of biological superconductivity.
    Recent research has found that the basis of biological superconductivity in a new class of thin films, bio-molecular layers composed of a metal and a semiconductor separated by organic molecules (M.H. Halpern and J.H. Van Dyke: Biological Effects of Very Low Magnetic Fields and their Implication for Space Exploration". (Areospace Medicine, 37 (3) 281  1966).
    A.P. Dubron believes that the Kirlian effect supports the hypothesis of biological superconductivity. The Kirlian effect is produced by the application of a high voltage, high frequency field to a biological object over a photographic film.
    The subjects body emits cold electrons which appear as bands of energy on the film. These bands are responsive to the emotional state of the individual. Such a process is only possible if superconducting regions are present on the biological membrane. 

    In biological thermodynamics research, experimenters have shown that although the metabolizing cell is performing internal work, heat is not generated and hence entropy does not increase. The cell has a unique mechanism of heat removal. It involves continuous microphasic transitions of intra-cellular water and proteins from the liquid to the liquid crystalline state.
    Three transitions interact to form the "super-ordered" (liquid crystalline) from the dis-ordered liquid) state. these independent liquid crystal transitions constitute a unique mechanism for the creation of negative entropy in living systems, where the energy normally absorbed as heat, is instead transformed into a high energy liquid crystal state.

    Trincher directly states that the "water inside the cells is in the state of maximum order in a sate attainable in non-liquid systems only at absolute zero". We, therefore, must assume that biological processes take place at very large negative temperatures, or in living systems, by the operation of a special mechanism of action of the bio-gravitational field where specific conditions are created.
    There are effects dependent on molecular membrane biological superconductivity. Acceptance of the fact of biological superconductivity opens up a way for the solution of many fundamental biological questions. In a Josephson junction, the non-superconducting bridge is subjected to the effect of the external field and extremely small changes in the strength and direction of his magnetic field sufficient to produce large changes in current.
    If we regard the living organ as a single pseudo-crystalline structure, then particular links in this integral chain can e regarded as large Josephson superconducting junctions or loops. We know from the physics of superconductivity that the greater the area of a Josephson junction (or Cooper loop) the greater its sensibility to an external magnetic field.
    People who detect underground bodies of water (dowsers) have exceptional sensitivity to weak magnetic fields (10-12 - 10-14 gauss). The pendulum or rod in the dowser's hand is merely indicating the needle of the human being's intricate, superconducting, sensing instrument.
    We generate external fields with our mind which act on the cells in our body to create cold electrons. These cold electrons can be accelerated to be internal magnetic and external magnetic fields. The cold electrons can also be acted on by the earth's geomagnetic fields as well as the fields coming from the sun and other planetary bodies. These fields can cause the electrons can be accelerated, ionizing the gases in the atmosphere surrounding the body, producing a cathodo-luminescence of these gases.
    These electrons may also structure water that is in the fluid part of our body, including the blood stream. They may be responsible for charging a crystal o be utilized for information storage or for therapeutic purposes.

    A natural quartz crystal, when cut into a double terminated form, carefully polished, resonates to the vibration of water itself. Using the Omega 5 instrument, designed by Daniel Perkins, we find ha water and the crystal both have a fundamental vibration of 454. Holding the crystal in your hand, focusing your mind on the crystal, and pulsing your breath, a vibration is stored in the crystal which now can be measured by the Omega machine. This field in the crystal is electronic. By virtue of the definition of electronic:

1). - erasure of this field can be made by a bulk demagnetizer

2). - the field can be amplified by a secondary coil around it

3). - the field can be resonantly transferred to another crystal with no loss of this field, and

4). - the field can be measured by gauss meters, spectrophotometers, (both infra-red and ultra-violet, pH meters, dielectric conductivity meters, and surface tensionmeters.

    We are dealing , in this energetic transfer of charge from a living system to a crystal, wi5h another factor with which we have not yet had to fully cope, namely, the dynamic characteristics of this energy. By this I mean that the energy stored in the crystal will change in accordance with the changing forces around the body of the person who originally held the crystal in their hand. The subject can be thousands of miles away and still an operator can detect the energy level of he subject by measuring the field of the subject imprinted into the crystal when he held it in his hand.
    It is also possible to treat with homeopathic or Bach flower remedies through the crystal by means of this energy transference.
    We are made in the image and likeness of God. To find and express this Divinity is the key act of living on this earth plane. "Man know thyself". How do we do his? By the observation and study of self we can come to an understanding of the power and forces that exist within us. When we can release these forces in a controlled manner we start the process of experimentation. By parallel evaluation of our results with the writing of others, we will find both confirmation and confusion in what we have observed. It is from this point that we begin to learn and grow.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Where Two or More are Gathered in My Name: There I Am


    The experiment that will be described took place in Bavaria, Germany in the first week of June 1987. There were about 30 participants in a Bavarian chalet and with these participants was a Roman Catholic Priest who attended the seminar with the group. The house was situated on the side of a mountain overlooking a valley with snow capped peaks in the background. Adjoining was the small town of Wagneritz.

    The seminars were given throughout the day and in the evening a Mass was celebrated with us sitting in a circle around the priest. There was extensiv singing, holding of hands and the reception of Communion. About 21 of the attendees had their own crystals: 4,8 and 12-sided healing crystals. Two of them possessed Herkimer diamonds and one had a natural, single terminated crystal. We decided to measure the fields that were in the crystals before and after Mass on the first day and after Mass on each subsequent day. The jug of water placed on the altar was measured along with the crystals. This was the first time, to the best of our knowledge, that an experiment of this type was done.

    From the experimental work that w had done in our laboratory in San Jose, CA, it was determined that a double terminated healing crystal would resonate with the energies of a person once they had placed their vibration into a crystal. In other words, remote therapy can b given to a person and this therapy can be followed precisely with the Omega 5 instrument designed and built by Daniel Perkins. the Omega 5 attributes numerical values to the forces that are contained in a crystal which has been held in the hand of an individual. We determined three different sets of values, namely:

1. - the numerical value of the geometric form of the device under consideration

2. - the charge transfer to the crystal of the fields contained with the body of an individual, and

3. - the charge envelope which surrounds the body of an individual 

    Where there is an interference with this charge, such as food that is antagonistic to the well being of an individual is placed on the body, the charge level will drop down to a very low value, even to zero. When the food has beneficial value, the charge will be enhanced and will be duplicated to the same value as when the food is ingested by eating. The third set of numerical values occurs when a person receives the thought of well being and of wholeness, from a person who is projecting this to them. These sets of values deal with the transfer of the energetics of their thought of love and joy that are in the mind and heart of this person.

To recap:

1). - The first set of values gives the geometric patterning of the object under measurement. The value we obtain from our double terminated healing crystal is 454, this is true be it a four, six, eight, or twelve sided crystal. This number exactly matches the value obtained when you measure pure water which has not yet received my special treatment. When water and crystal have the same primary vibrational value (454), any charge applied to the crystal can and does transfer directly to the water with no loss in vibrational activity.

2). - The next set of values is the energetics of the fields that are stored in matter itself. At the moment I make no discrimination as to their secondary considerations of these fields. The normal vibrational levels that we encounter are in the three digit figure area. However, an exception to these statements will be given very shortly. This number can be amplified by deep breathing, moving into sunlight, drinking vitalized water, or consuming foods which are healthy for the body.

3). - The third set of values deals with energies that are of a subtle nature. By subtle we mean those forces which are capable of moving freely in and out of a physical body. These forces we may call etheric and are the building blocks of the powers used by mind in constructing thoughtforms and maintaining the balance and totality of being of a human body. These statements are the product if the experimental research in our laboratory. The work is ongoing and developmental at this time. Let us now go back to what took place in Germany.

    Each day we measured these values on the Omega machine using three people: a medical doctor, a physicist, and myself. Our measurements concurred and were recorded. The real surprise took place between the third and fourth day where values rose from the normal three digit numbers to values that we in the 1023 power.

    In the majority of the people whom we measured, the energies within their crystals at the end of the fourth day was the same value as the water that was on the altar. From individual variations in numerical values, we all exhibited 4 (x1034) 5 4, in all of the levels of measurement. The reading for water was 4 (x 1034) 5 4 which differed from the control's reading of a modest 454.

    The individual crystals measured exactly the same as values we had in the water. The exception was the value we obtained with the Herkimer diamond and the natural crystal, both of which showed practically no amplification of the field even after four days of measurement. Two of the individuals with Vogel crystals had values which dropped on the second and third day and came back in harmony with the rest of the group on the fourth day.

    A small sample of the water was bottled, returned to our laboratory in California and measured on August 11, 1987.  The water exhibited exactly the same value that it had when measured with the Omega 5 in Germany, two months from the day of original testing.

    We then did an ultra-violet spectro-photometric assay for the structuring of the fluid and the result was that the ultra-violet absorbency is the highest we have observed in any sample we have treated to date (8/87).

    The water has stored a vital energy from the activities of the spiritual and religious services. It has maintained this and the product of this activity is a very precise, involved structuring of that fluid. The implication is that when spiritual, religious experiences are undergone, the energy that is created is stored in water, in rock, or in crystal which surround the ceremony. This water can then have the potential of acting in a therapeutic manner. "Where two or more are gathered together, the I am". The love of Christ can enter a group and change not only yourself gut the matter that surround you, the water, the food and the very soil itself.