Showing posts with label crystal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crystal. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Forming Aspect of Sound


In the beginning was the Word. The Word took flesh and became man. We are made in the image and likeness of God and when we sound our note, we return to the Source, the God that is within us. This article will help to find this note and sound out this note.

Breath is the staff of life. In breathing and breathing deeply we create within our body a set of tonal patterns. These tones of vibrations are like the tones of an organ pipe. When the tone is emitted, vibrations resonate with the matter that surround them causing those objects or forms which are harmonic to vibrate/resonate in accordance with the primary note.

To hear these notes, suspend yourself in an isolation chamber separate from all secondary interferences, and listen, as you breathe, to a remarkable series of tonal patterns. Drawing your breath in, you hear deep sonorous pipe-like tones. Coming to the end of the breath, a higher tone range is heard and you experience a series of internal breath vibrations. The body responds by vibrating, as tension builds up with the building of the breath, a harmonic rippling takes place. As your breath is retained, this builds higher and higher until, with your eyes closed, a flash of light takes place within your mind and illumination results.

Illumination is the moving from sound to light. That light is a window to your soul. To feel and understand yourself, you must activate and stimulate the not-self, that wonderful being of consciousness of the soul interacting and becoming one with matter via the mediating vibration of breath. This phenomena only takes place when we learn to breathe deeply by drawing our breath in using the diaphragm, filling the chest cavity, expanding the upper regions of the lungs with additional breath, and then holding the breath. As we do this we feel our body oscillating in a rhythm. You experience the symphony of life itself moving, vibrating, and seeking. Your body becomes a symphony orchestra. With three-full intonational consciousness, we stimulate every cell in our body and the organization of cells in their own unique precise way.

In place of an isolation chamber, we can do this with a crystal. Charge the crystal with intention. Breathe in and out three times and on the third time hold your breath. Create the image of the crystal in your mind and pulse that image with the outgoing breath into the crystal that you hold in your hand. Breathe normally, look at the crystal with your mind's eye and clear intention. Feel the vibration your breath has caused, which is now stimulating the crystal.

As we contemplate the crystal with our mind's eye, we can create in our mind the image of individual organs. For example, visualize the heart and release it into the crystal. You will experience the change in vibration of the essence of your heart vibrating in the crystal. Send the thought of love well-being and you will experience a change in vibration. This will lead to an increased well-being of the heart.

If there is a pain in your shoulder, create an image of this shoulder and implant it into the crystal. Draw your breath in and slowly release he image of the shoulder, with breath, into the crystal. Look for the source of the pain and release the pain with kind, loving thoughts. The pain will cease to exist, having been neutralized by the power of love. Order and balance will come into being. The body will function in an orderly manner.

These are the fundamentals of self-healing:
    - sound your note by breathing deeply
    - release that note into a crystal held in your hand
    - use the vibration in the crystal as a reference electrode of sound
    - transfer a thoughtform from your mind into the crystal
    - release the thought of love and well-being into the chosen body area to bring it order and balance

All nature, mineral, plant, animal, and human, are linked into a common form and a common note. We come from one source and are here on this earth plane to return to this source.
A most remarkable book was written by Gyorgy Doczi: The Power of Limits, which deals with proportional harmonics in  nature and architecture. In this book, he links harmonic vibrations as the mathematics of celestial harmonics. He defines gravity as weight, and says the lifting of weight is by its sharing of His Grace.

The Divine connotation for this is the effortless release of burden. When you study the patterns of the forms of nature, as they individualize in various living expressions, there is commonality of expression. Darwin, on the expressions of nature, showed that there is a commonality between man and animal in the body form and expression of emotion. Dogs express their feelings of hostility or friendship through body movement. Looking at the photographs in Darwin's book, you are struck with the similarity of form and expression between man and beast. All of human expression can be released in seven patterns of vibration which are called the Sentic Cycles. These seven form the emotional expression and are seen through the bodymind movements. They are common to all human life forms on this earth plane.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Finishing of Wine with Crystal Technology


  We are working with Sycamore Creek Winery in Morgan Hill, California with the wines that are currently being produced there (1986). In our laboratory, we first determined the quality potential of the Gamay Blanc that was to be bottled. These qualities were transferred to a master crystal. A control run of 40 cases was bottled. The commercial structuring unit developed by Psychic Research, Inc. for the in-line structuring of wine was installed between the wine holding tank and the bottling unit. The wine was then pumped through our unit and bottled. When we measured and tasted the bottled wine it was exactly the same flavor and bouquet as the experimental trial runs done in the laboratory.

    At least three pallets of wine were bottled at that time, and when we spot checked the bottles, they all had the same heightened bouquet and flavor that we set up as a standard. We have subsequently tested the structured wine over two weeks after initial bottling and the treated sample have retained the distinctive flavor and bouquet of the original pallet.

    We found that we can transfer a program from a laboratory unit in a larger industrial unit and then treat the wine in-line with no loss of speed for the bottling operation. The structuring that we achieved in the winery was not dissipated by the filtering of the wine or the bottling apparatus. We have found that the structured wine is more resistant to rapid breakdown when exposed to trhe atmosphere and will hold its flavor for extended periods of time.

    This work represent four years of research to develop a echnology and art that will upgrade wine without any addition of chemicals, light, or radiation of any obvious sort.

Additional by Rumi Da


    Substantial field experimentation was done to test the application of this process in the treatment of wines.
    At the Sycamore Creek Vineyards in California, a treatment unit with crystal was put in place between the wine holding tanks and the filtering unit. The crystal was charged with a program pertaining to the specific type of grape that was being used for the wine production. The overall intent was to bring the wine to its greatest potential in regard to taste, body, bouquet, and so on. The wine could be altered to whatever parameters were set by the programmer within the possibilities of the grapes being used. During the years of experimentation the “crystal treated” wine won several prizes and was lauded by both wine producers and critics alike.

Industrial Type Device similar to processing unit
used at Sycamore Creek vineyards - Dan Willis photo

    In 1988 I conducted an experiment at the Psychic Research Lab in San Jose, CA in which I was able to successfully transform a new 1988 Sauvignon Blanc to be the same as an award winning 1986 Sauvignon Blanc.

    This was the basic procedure:

    I took a sample of the 1986 wine and measured it on the Omega 5.

   Once I had determined the energetics of the 1986 wine I transferred this information into an 8-sided double terminated Vogel-cut® crystal. The Omega 5 affects this transfer. I then took the crystal and placed it in our structuring unit. The next step was to take the 1988 Sauvignon Blanc and pour it through the unit so that it spun around the programmed crystal. The result was not only a 1988 wine that had the same taste, body, bouquet, and appearance of the award winning 1986, but also a 1988 wine that also measured out as being the same as the ‘86 according to the Omega.

   My effort was only one of many times that this procedure was replicated with success.
How does this happen?

   According to Marcel:

1)   A Vogel-cut® crystal tuned to water is programmed with information so that a  wine will be brought to completion with all of the reactions that are potential in its chemistry.

2)   The wine is then spun around the crystal 1 - 5 times (1x - 5x.)

3)    The wine is the measured with the Omega 5 after each spin.

4)     A decision is made as to which wine is best.

5)     Information is transferred to a master crystal and the wine is run in production.

    When the information becomes critical (at 4x), an abrupt change in the state of the wine takes place in much the manner as we have seen with the liquid crystals.

Marcel Vogel and Omega 5

     I believe we are seeing in the wine a critical transfer of information which can then cause abrupt changes in the chemistry of the system.” (#6.1 Jan 1989)

“We have found that we can transfer a program from a laboratory unit to a larger industrial unit and then treat the wine in line with no loss of speed for the bottling operation. The filtering of the wine or the bottling apparatus did not dissipate the structuring that we achieved in the winery. We found that the structured wine is more resistant to rapid breakdown when exposed to the atmosphere and will hold its flavor for extended periods of time.”

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Crystal Skull

        It is my belief that natural quartz skulls are information transfer devices. It has been my pleasure to work with the Mitchell-Hedges skull which is carved from a single quartz crystal, weighing 475 troy ounces and measuring 8.25 inches across the width of the skull.

        Working with Mrs. Hedges, the skull was held in my hands and brought in opposition to the solar plexus. Deep breathing exercises were then initiated and Mrs. Hedges, in looking at the skull, remarked that it had become luminous with light emanating from the eye sockets. When this took place, we both took a deep breath and entered the skull together with intention on the outgoing breath. We immediately felt a coolness, and a vibrating, oscillating motion took place in our bodies. By breath control this oscillation stopped, but when we let our breath out and relaxed, this oscillation came back. This was followed by a sound or tone being felt in the skull. A change in pitch was noted until a constant tone was felt. We then drew our breath in and focused our minds on knowing the intention of the functioning the these skulls.

        We let our breath out, and suddenly we saw a temple with a hole in the top. The skull sat on a pedestal directly under this hole. There was a priest with a shaved head, robed in white, wearing a medallion of gold inscribed  with the image of the sun and its rays. The priest waited for the light of the sun to strike the skull, illuminating it in much the same way as in our experience. An older person with a shaved head came into the temple. The priest put his left hand on the head of the elderly man and his right hand on the crystal skull. He drew his breath in and pulsed the breath. The information in the mind of the older man was now transferred to the skull. He left and in his place came a young girl also dressed in white. The priest reversed his hands, placed his left hand on the skull and his right hand on the head of the young girl. He drew his breath in and pulsed his breath. That knowledge that was contained in the skull was now in the mind of the young person. This was repeated many, many times and suddenly the image faded.

        From this experience it was felt that these devices were information transfer systems. The transfer of patterns of thought stored in the brain could be utilized by a transfer mechanism of this type from one generation to another. This precluded the necessity of writing everything down and having to re-translate that written document back into the imagery that was required of the written word.