Showing posts with label mind power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mind power. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Patterning of Thought

 "As a man thinks, so he is", and "energy follows thought".

In our laboratory experiments we have found that releases an energy which we can store in the lattice of a cut quartz crystal. These patterns of vibrations are stored and oscillate like a magnetic domain field.

We have found also that when a thoughtform is released into space, two thins happened. Thought is contained in geometric pattern forms in space, causing that space to oscillate. That oscillation, in turn, acts on matter that is in space, namely the atomic forms of oxygen, nitrogen, and the water molecules, causing them to vibrate and to propagate a series of patterns that move outward in to the space around the body. This is much the same as the circular pattern of concentric ring pattern that is formed when a rock is thrown into the water.

The primary pattern of a thoughtform is held in the etheric body of an individual. It fits into a geometric form, much the same way as the energy of our minds fits into the geometric form and pattern of a crystal. It is my belief, from our studies, that there is a great similarity in the structure and symmetry between the energy body that surrounds an individual. When we think, we generate a pattern, and this pattern locks into space. It then oscillates and radiates a field that acts on matter. This is the energy that follows thought.

When we think precisely, thinking in accordance with the well-being of an individual, that thought locks into the pattern of that person and starts the process of integrating the fields that we generate so that we become more and more of a cohesive, integrated, functioning individual. This says that we become one with ourselves. In this process of developing at-one-ment, we build the capacity, the energetics to move to a higher level of consciousness so that the love of God, the Divine Mind, can flow in and through our own body.

If you are scattered in your thinking and you use higher energies of God in your life, you will find that force of these energies will literally break you apart, manifesting in dis-ease and illness. To stand in this light we must have no fear within us, for whatever takes place, we must be willing to remove our ego and let things be.

A good example can be drawn form the experience of St. Paul when hew was struck from the horse by the light of the love of God. The force that struck his body caused him to be totally blinded. It was only when he made an affirmation of acceptance of the teaching that God wanted Paul to do that the veil was lifted and his sight was again restored. We can act within ourselves, by becoming aware of our intrinsic good, beauty, and power.
This is inherent in each human that is on this earth plane. We are given by Divine Right the capacity to create, the ability to bring into being that which did not exist the moment before. This is the unique quality that differentiates man from the beasts. We have that transcendent quality that allows us to bring creation into being by our actions and deeds. As we exemplify our best self, we continue o raise our level of consciousness. We move up the spiral of activity going closer and closer to the One who is the All, the Love of God.

We have seen in our laboratory the transfer of the energy of thought into a quartz crystal. We can retain this energy in exactly the same way that we store information on the ferro-magnetic material. Sound imprints on the tape or disc after the magnetic recoding head creates a magnetic domains that consists of he information code of the sounds that are passed through the coil.

Quartz crystals will store the geometric pattern of thought in much the same way. We store patterns in our subtle bodies. When stimulated by a magnetic field, we radiate hat vibration out into space. This field will act on matter or fluids. When water is spun in a right-handed spiral, the flowing water creates an oscillating field up to 0.07 Gauss. This field is of sufficient magnitude to amplify he information stored in the crystal, extract that information, and structure the water molecules in systematic arrays with the patterns and information codes locking into the crystalline system of that quartz.
As we think, we produce patterns. These patterns are omnipresent. They transcend the electromagnetic spectrum. By their presence they act on matter. Matter is then moved to action, much as we experience sound and light.

When we spin this matter we also create a magnetic vector and an electric vector. We develop the quality of attraction and repulsion. We move a charge into being. The moving water then becomes an analogy to the breath. As we breathe, we bring in a volume of air and it spins as it goes down the trachea filling our lungs with this air. As we hold that air in our lungs, a vibration, an oscillation takes place. In other words, the patterns of thought that are stored in space by the act of thinking are drawn into our body by breath process into the bloodstream with the information codes of our breath. We transmit thought by pumping blood throughout the entire body.
We exist in our bodies and out of our bodies at the same time. There is that wonderful relationship that is moving back and forth living IN one level of matter and moving OUT of matte. When we take our breath in and hold it for a period of time, at first there is the struggle of feeling constrained. Suddenly, we may feel peace, tranquility, and oneness come through our body. 
We feel drawn to become light, free from the earth's magnetic field and we move into the infinity of space, space that has no dimension or limitation. When we breathe autonomically, the body regulates our breath causing an alteration between the left and the right nostril. When we deliberately do dual nostril breathing, we are feeding both hemispheres of the brain with oxygen. We are stimulating the rest of the body with the informational codes that are stored in and around the body. We feel this as an inner sense of peace and quiet. After a periods of trim, breathing in this manner, we sense a totality and a feeling of oneness.

Within every life form there is a spark of the Divine Mind, we call the soul. We all come from our Father and it is our job to take this spark and ignite within ourselves the flame of our thoughts, actions, and deeds, so that the outward expression of our soul is at peace and harmony with the inner purpose for our existence on this earth place.

"Man know thyself". We know self by the observations of our own actions and the acquiring of the teaching from what we have done and what we need to do. The greatest teacher we have is ourself, because we are here to find and bring into being the qualities of the life God has given to us. This comes from thinking, this comes from questioning, this comes from acting on what we have done or learned. But, above all, the greatest thing we can is to share our life and our experience with others so that we become one with our neighbors and our neighbors become one with the community. There is no longer the individual differentiation, but the integration of he one into the whole. Once we realize that we are truly the spark of the Divine Mind, what do we have to fear except fear itself.

God so loved mankind that He sent His own son to open our hearts again, to understand our divine heritage, to love one another as He has love us. Life is, in the end, so very beautiful. Man, too often, makes life a struggle for power, position, for accumulation of material objects. Can we take that which is of matter with us when we transcend: The answer is no but, we can and do take with us our thoughts, the results of our deeds. Above all, I believe we take the capacity we have acquired o love one another.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Where Two or More are Gathered in My Name: There I Am


    The experiment that will be described took place in Bavaria, Germany in the first week of June 1987. There were about 30 participants in a Bavarian chalet and with these participants was a Roman Catholic Priest who attended the seminar with the group. The house was situated on the side of a mountain overlooking a valley with snow capped peaks in the background. Adjoining was the small town of Wagneritz.

    The seminars were given throughout the day and in the evening a Mass was celebrated with us sitting in a circle around the priest. There was extensiv singing, holding of hands and the reception of Communion. About 21 of the attendees had their own crystals: 4,8 and 12-sided healing crystals. Two of them possessed Herkimer diamonds and one had a natural, single terminated crystal. We decided to measure the fields that were in the crystals before and after Mass on the first day and after Mass on each subsequent day. The jug of water placed on the altar was measured along with the crystals. This was the first time, to the best of our knowledge, that an experiment of this type was done.

    From the experimental work that w had done in our laboratory in San Jose, CA, it was determined that a double terminated healing crystal would resonate with the energies of a person once they had placed their vibration into a crystal. In other words, remote therapy can b given to a person and this therapy can be followed precisely with the Omega 5 instrument designed and built by Daniel Perkins. the Omega 5 attributes numerical values to the forces that are contained in a crystal which has been held in the hand of an individual. We determined three different sets of values, namely:

1. - the numerical value of the geometric form of the device under consideration

2. - the charge transfer to the crystal of the fields contained with the body of an individual, and

3. - the charge envelope which surrounds the body of an individual 

    Where there is an interference with this charge, such as food that is antagonistic to the well being of an individual is placed on the body, the charge level will drop down to a very low value, even to zero. When the food has beneficial value, the charge will be enhanced and will be duplicated to the same value as when the food is ingested by eating. The third set of numerical values occurs when a person receives the thought of well being and of wholeness, from a person who is projecting this to them. These sets of values deal with the transfer of the energetics of their thought of love and joy that are in the mind and heart of this person.

To recap:

1). - The first set of values gives the geometric patterning of the object under measurement. The value we obtain from our double terminated healing crystal is 454, this is true be it a four, six, eight, or twelve sided crystal. This number exactly matches the value obtained when you measure pure water which has not yet received my special treatment. When water and crystal have the same primary vibrational value (454), any charge applied to the crystal can and does transfer directly to the water with no loss in vibrational activity.

2). - The next set of values is the energetics of the fields that are stored in matter itself. At the moment I make no discrimination as to their secondary considerations of these fields. The normal vibrational levels that we encounter are in the three digit figure area. However, an exception to these statements will be given very shortly. This number can be amplified by deep breathing, moving into sunlight, drinking vitalized water, or consuming foods which are healthy for the body.

3). - The third set of values deals with energies that are of a subtle nature. By subtle we mean those forces which are capable of moving freely in and out of a physical body. These forces we may call etheric and are the building blocks of the powers used by mind in constructing thoughtforms and maintaining the balance and totality of being of a human body. These statements are the product if the experimental research in our laboratory. The work is ongoing and developmental at this time. Let us now go back to what took place in Germany.

    Each day we measured these values on the Omega machine using three people: a medical doctor, a physicist, and myself. Our measurements concurred and were recorded. The real surprise took place between the third and fourth day where values rose from the normal three digit numbers to values that we in the 1023 power.

    In the majority of the people whom we measured, the energies within their crystals at the end of the fourth day was the same value as the water that was on the altar. From individual variations in numerical values, we all exhibited 4 (x1034) 5 4, in all of the levels of measurement. The reading for water was 4 (x 1034) 5 4 which differed from the control's reading of a modest 454.

    The individual crystals measured exactly the same as values we had in the water. The exception was the value we obtained with the Herkimer diamond and the natural crystal, both of which showed practically no amplification of the field even after four days of measurement. Two of the individuals with Vogel crystals had values which dropped on the second and third day and came back in harmony with the rest of the group on the fourth day.

    A small sample of the water was bottled, returned to our laboratory in California and measured on August 11, 1987.  The water exhibited exactly the same value that it had when measured with the Omega 5 in Germany, two months from the day of original testing.

    We then did an ultra-violet spectro-photometric assay for the structuring of the fluid and the result was that the ultra-violet absorbency is the highest we have observed in any sample we have treated to date (8/87).

    The water has stored a vital energy from the activities of the spiritual and religious services. It has maintained this and the product of this activity is a very precise, involved structuring of that fluid. The implication is that when spiritual, religious experiences are undergone, the energy that is created is stored in water, in rock, or in crystal which surround the ceremony. This water can then have the potential of acting in a therapeutic manner. "Where two or more are gathered together, the I am". The love of Christ can enter a group and change not only yourself gut the matter that surround you, the water, the food and the very soil itself.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The power of thought


        We are made in the image and likeness of God. How do we find and experience this image? The discovery of this Divine image in us can be initiated by observing the patterns and forms of nature. We are given the power of creative thinking. To think and bring this thought process into a visible form is a precious gift of the love of God. To develop this faculty we must let the child in us operate, free of time and space. We commonly speak of this as our imagination. It is true. It is our imagination, but in removing yourself from this limitation of time and space, we move into the infinite. We bring down into our being a touch of Divine Mind. This is brought into being by seeing with the mind's eye.
        A notebook begins the translating of this information into a logical and systematic program of reduction to physical form and practice. Ideas come as a burst of light. We reach out, grasp, and learn not to be fearful that ideas will be lost. No idea is ever lost, if we are patient and loving to ourselves. The real test of our being is the ability to work in time, in a rational systematic way with an idea that we have been given. Self discipline is required in the development of your skill inventory. These skills will be required to translate each idea into a final product.
        In 1968, I saw Dr. Wilhelm Sturmer working at a microscope in his home. He was making pretty pictures of liquid crystal material, which he had treated and allowed to cool under the microscope. As I observed the activity of these liquid crystal materials, an idea flashed in front of my mind. These would be excellent products to be turned into liquid crystal displays for watches, flat panel television screens, and other visual devices. When I returned to IBM, I set myself the task to bring this idea into being. First, by buying a microscope and training myself to use it. Then, by buying and synthesizing the liquid crystals and determining their purity. Finally, the evolution of the methodology of making these into visible and practical displays. This was in 1962, years ahead of its time.
        I now have this microscope with the ancillary equipment (1985). It is being applied to an even more exciting concept. The observing, measuring, and quantifying of the bio-energetic fields that exist both in and around a living cell.
        We charge our body with breath; we structure our subtle body with a chargeless energetic mass: prana. With these two energies, breath and prana, we have the essential set of forces necessary for the creation of a thought form.
        We hold a crystal in our hand, draw in our breath, focus our mind into the crystal, and suddenly release the breath through the nostrils with intention to link. A charge transfer takes place. We occupy the space between the lattice system of the quartz crystal. This charge is equivalent to the charging of a storage battery with electricity. It can now be observed and measured by an instrument called the Omega 5 Metatronic machine.
        When we speak of the power of thought, it is true. Thought moves through a field we call etheric space. We must consider matter which has form, that physical object, is now contained by time and space. But, in that matter is a space less dimension, the inter atomic spacing. As we can move an electron from its orbital shell, by impinging on a crystal with a photon of radiation which that crystal will absorb, we can cause that electron to shift to its orbital rotation and come back to a ground state. It emits a photon of light we call luminescence. The energy of the mind is focused in space and has the capacity to expand the lattice system in which it is projected released with intention. The beauty of this concept and activity is that this information is locked in and stored with the crystal in much the same manner as one stores a magnetic domain on ferromagnetic surfaces, i.e. recording tape or magnetic recording discs.
        In this way, you can focus your intention on the crystal, you can then extract the data, amplify the pulse, or release it as a projected burst of etheric plasma. This set of statements is the key, the heart, of the evolving technology of the use of crystals and crystal devices in Transformational Healing. With these devices, we can move directly into the pattern of thought, the locked emotions, and the incomplete thought forms. We can then release them so that the subject we are working with can bring their body into a state of wholeness and well being. The resonant fundamental vibration of the crystal is cut and tuned to the vibrational activity of water. Consequently, when we build a field in the crystal with intention and thought, we transmit the information directly into the body of an individual, via the structuring of the water and its salts.
        We have studied the structuring of water and the resonant transfer of a charged crystal into water passed around a crystal. By careful experimentation, we have noted the same vibration in the crystal transferred to the water itself. This changes lasts for many months and as far as we know at this time (1985) it is a permanent change. What we have found is that both the vibration in the water and in the crystal can be erased by a bulk eraser for magnetic tape or by a focused thought the pulling in of breath and the sudden release of breath. In doing therapeutic work with the crystals, we must be cognizant that we are providing a loving field. This field can be nullified by the act of a doubtful thought. All effects will come to a halt. It is the operator's belief in him or herself, the knowledge and assurance of what they are doing, that brings about this form of therapy. The subject must accept responsibility for their life and assume the pattern of living that this form of treatment brings about. The subject is healing her/himself, the operator is providing a loving service to enable the recipient to bring her/himself back to a state of balance and well being.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The power of love


        When you generate an act of lovingness to your body, a field is created. This field is transferred by an act of will from the initiator to the recipient. We can look on love as glue that holds matter in form. It has in it the element of consciousness and contains the program for the total well being of an individual. This was fully understood and manifested by Jesus Christ. A question was given to Him as to what was the primary law. He answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10, 25. New American Bible).

        In studying and meditating on the statements of Christ, we have a practical guideline for the conduct of our life. We must develop the art and science of knowing ourselves. From this knowledge, we develop an awareness of love and self. In turn, we must emit and distribute this love to others without distinction or limitation. This is the whole study or life itself. To give love, we empty self into a recipient. In that act of emptying this force, we, in turn, are filled with the love of God. So we, in loving, receive infinite love from God, the source of all energy. If we limit the act of loving, this limits us as well.

        Working in a loving way with crystals facilitates the transfer of this charge, generated by mind. In this way it is totally harmless. The crystal will amplify the weak field we first generate. As we release this field with intention and breath, the field moves like a laser into the energy, or subtle body, of the recipient. They, in turn, can draw this energy into their body. This acts with their energy to bring their body into balance and form. When I love you, that act opens us both to a Divine illumination. We can see beyond the body into the soul of this individual. We feel with us the beauty that resides in the body, mind, and soul of an individual with whom we are becoming one. As we evolve in the practice of becoming loving individuals, we become conscious of the power and force that resides within each of us. When we love another person, a magnetic like force is generated between the two individuals. They are drawn together, as if pulled by this magnetic like field. It is instinctive to embrace to bring the two bodies together as one.

        In the work we are doing in the laboratory, we are striving to measure this force in water. It is our continuing effort to understand what these forces are and how they operate in nature. We are doing this by observing the structuring of water. This is accomplished by charging a crystal with thought and love, transferring this charge by a resonance process from the crystal to water which is being spun around the crystal in a clockwise direction. We complete this process by studying the water for change in pH, conductivity, and its ultra violet spectra changes.