Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Transformational Healing


        All matter, which has form, has a geometric pattern which describes this form. Matter, which grows in a systematic and regular array of patterns, is spoken of as crystalline; and that in which the atomic material grows in random order is called amorphous.

In the crystalline state there are seven major groups of order:

- cubic
- hexagonal
- tetragonal
- orthorhombic
- monoclinic
- triclinic
- isometric

         Each of these systems describes the internal symmetry of the crystal.  When we speak of a crystal, we speak of it  normally growing in a systematic, orderly manner in space. This is not always the case, and we have, in most systems, defect lattices taking place. A defect lattice may result from a blow from a falling object, or a variation in the concentration of the solute in which the crystal is growing. These interferences create structural defects, both internal and visible to the eye, as striations in the crystal causing cloudiness or phantoms.  One of the most unusual defects is the effect of radiation on crystals as they grow or have completed their growth. The radiation causes the crystal to produce defects by a movement of the cation or anion. This shift of the atom from its normal lattice site results in a darkening of the crystal to form a smokey quartz. Or, in some cases of amethyst and citrine, various colorations of crystals have been artificially produced by exposure to heat and radiation. Many of these effects can be reversed by the application of heat or light.

       In contrast, matter which grows in a random form, such as clay and granite, have no distinct melting point or transition temperature because for the randomness of the atomic spacing of the material. This means that when heated in a furnace, these amorphous objects go through a softening and a gradual relaxation until they are in a molten state. This is well shown by the outpouring of the molten rock or lava from a volcano which, when it solidifies, becomes hard, glassy, and pitted with blow holes. Obsidian is an example of an amorphous volcanic glass.
This material does not store vital energies that emanate from the body or mind of an individual. For an object to store these vital energies, it must have a systematic, orderly array of matter and the proper spatial geometry, which allows the energy to be transferred from the crystal to the person or from the person to the crystal.

        The first form that was designed for this purpose was a four sided natural quartz crystal, doubly terminated, with a different angle on the rear tip from that on the front. This not the way the crystal grows in nature, but was shaped according to an image that appeared to me one morning as I awoke. When the cut crystal was completed, it had the same spatial geometric form as the Kabalistic Tree of Life.

When the proper volume was established by trial and error, it was found that the intrinsic vibration of this quartz crystal, cleared by demagnetization, was 454. This number was derived from a radionics instrument made for us by Daniel Perkins. When we measured water, which was run through a reverse osmosis filtering machine, the water also measured at 454. We found that by drawing the breath in and holding the breath, focusing the mind on the crystal, and pulsing the breath through the nostrils, a charge was transferred to the crystal. The charge would come to a maximum point and stop. We could take this charge, measure it with the Omega 5 radionics device, and note a transfer of it to water. We then get an exact charge transfer from crystal to water.

A better method of transferring charge was by spinning water around the crystal. The spinning water created a magnetic field, drawing a charge from the crystal into the water.

     In these sets of experiments, we have the basis and fundamental principles of transformational healing. In the transformational healing of an individual, a charge is transferred, through a crystal in the hands of an operator, into the thymus gland or the individual receiving treatment. The field is amplified by an up and down motion of the crystal until the charge is at its maximum, as determined by the operator, feeling each motion of the crystal with the opposing hand. The next step is to have the individual being treated utilize this energy by visualizing that area of their body needing treatment. They go with their mind to the cause of the discomfort, create a clear picture of it, and release the image with a pulse of the breath through the mouth and nostrils. The process, when done properly, breaks up, strips, and clears a pattern which has been stored in the bone, organ, or tissue that interferes with the normal bio-energetic activity of that part of the body.

       An example is the case of an individual who was knocked down from a horse and landed on his back, knocking him out. When he came to, he had no memory of what injury was done to his body. In transformational healing, we, by the help of the energies of the crystal, amplify the damaged area of the body, so the memory of that individual can reconstruct and see, with the mind's eye, what was done to the body. By an act of will, these vibrations can then be erased, and the body can begin to reconstruct and heal itself.
        Any individual utilizing crystals for this purpose must be in a calm state of mind, willing to serve for the good of the subject, putting aside their own ego and even the desire to heal. It is recommended that, if the subject is willing, they and/or the individual doing the healing, say a prayer. At this time, the healer holds their crystal in the dominant hand and places their other hand on the right shoulder of the client.          After the prayer, it is highly recommended that the question be asked: "Do you wish to now be healed and will you accept your body in the new state?" If the answer is "yes" then we proceed.

        Breath and breath control is vitally important to this work. Go to the witness area over the thymus gland, rotate the crystal in a counter-clockwise direction, and then stop when you are one and a half to two inches from the individual. The non-crystal hand is opposing the crystal behind the client's upper back or neck but not touching the client.
        Slowly move the crystal in a clockwise direction, until you experience a resistance, and wait for the individual being treated to experience some effect at the witness area. When that takes place, you let your breath out and begin to breathe with the individual, while at the same time moving the crystal in a vertical up and down motion. When the field has come to a maximum, move the crystal in a right-handed spiral. Have the client breathe in and go to the source of what is disturbing them, create a clear picture of it, and, when you are ready, say the word RELEASE! At the same time, pull the crystal away from the body of the person, snapping it downward. Next, bring the crystal to the client's solar plexus area, and, at the same time, apply a slight pressure to the back of their neck with your non-dominant hand. Those individuals who are ready will bend over and go through an enormous release of tension and stress in their body. When you feel that they are ready, tell them to draw in the breath and come to an upright posture.
Project the thought of love and well-being to them, and, at the same time, spiral the crystal in a right-handed way from the tip of the head to the tip of the tail bone continually thinking of the well-being of the client. Decrease the spiral until you are at the position of the thymus area. Stop and place the crystal on the thymus area of the client. Take the crystal away, and give the subject a big hug. Ask them how they feel. These are the principles of the use of a four, six, seven, and eight-sided Vogel-cut® healing crystal.

A letter:

       "You treated me at your first workshop demonstration at the Phoenix A.R.E Energy Medicine Symposium. I want you to know what really occurred subsequent to your treatment.
 "First, I should clarify what my problem entailed. I am now fifty six years old. When I was thirteen years old, I was riding a "runaway" horse. Upon reaching the stage, this creature sailed through the doorway. I was smashed against the wall above the door, which knocked me unconscious. I regained consciousness about two hours later and staggered home in excruciating pain. I was never aware of this two hour time lapse until age 53 while undergoing analysis prior to resignation of signing myself into a pain clinic. My main symptom was severe backaches and no one could even understand why.
          Probably psychosomatic. With the new knowledge of the accident (1982), I began a daily program of deep muscle massage on myself. This was inspired by having experienced Rolfing series and concluding that there must be a better way. It has been a slow task, painful, traumatic, and earned me a divorce over my commitment to persevere. Do or Die.
         "Enter Marcel Vogel. After your treatment, I did my usual bedtime massage, and all the rock-hard muscles were softening up like I couldn't recognize them anymore...tissue that I would have sworn were bones. This is only eleven days since you applied the crystal energy to me."

      We have found significant release of pain from bone injury, accidents, and in the following case history, the rebuilding of a body that was in pain for 43 years.

The Patterning of Thought

 "As a man thinks, so he is", and "energy follows thought".

In our laboratory experiments we have found that releases an energy which we can store in the lattice of a cut quartz crystal. These patterns of vibrations are stored and oscillate like a magnetic domain field.

We have found also that when a thoughtform is released into space, two thins happened. Thought is contained in geometric pattern forms in space, causing that space to oscillate. That oscillation, in turn, acts on matter that is in space, namely the atomic forms of oxygen, nitrogen, and the water molecules, causing them to vibrate and to propagate a series of patterns that move outward in to the space around the body. This is much the same as the circular pattern of concentric ring pattern that is formed when a rock is thrown into the water.

The primary pattern of a thoughtform is held in the etheric body of an individual. It fits into a geometric form, much the same way as the energy of our minds fits into the geometric form and pattern of a crystal. It is my belief, from our studies, that there is a great similarity in the structure and symmetry between the energy body that surrounds an individual. When we think, we generate a pattern, and this pattern locks into space. It then oscillates and radiates a field that acts on matter. This is the energy that follows thought.

When we think precisely, thinking in accordance with the well-being of an individual, that thought locks into the pattern of that person and starts the process of integrating the fields that we generate so that we become more and more of a cohesive, integrated, functioning individual. This says that we become one with ourselves. In this process of developing at-one-ment, we build the capacity, the energetics to move to a higher level of consciousness so that the love of God, the Divine Mind, can flow in and through our own body.

If you are scattered in your thinking and you use higher energies of God in your life, you will find that force of these energies will literally break you apart, manifesting in dis-ease and illness. To stand in this light we must have no fear within us, for whatever takes place, we must be willing to remove our ego and let things be.

A good example can be drawn form the experience of St. Paul when hew was struck from the horse by the light of the love of God. The force that struck his body caused him to be totally blinded. It was only when he made an affirmation of acceptance of the teaching that God wanted Paul to do that the veil was lifted and his sight was again restored. We can act within ourselves, by becoming aware of our intrinsic good, beauty, and power.
This is inherent in each human that is on this earth plane. We are given by Divine Right the capacity to create, the ability to bring into being that which did not exist the moment before. This is the unique quality that differentiates man from the beasts. We have that transcendent quality that allows us to bring creation into being by our actions and deeds. As we exemplify our best self, we continue o raise our level of consciousness. We move up the spiral of activity going closer and closer to the One who is the All, the Love of God.

We have seen in our laboratory the transfer of the energy of thought into a quartz crystal. We can retain this energy in exactly the same way that we store information on the ferro-magnetic material. Sound imprints on the tape or disc after the magnetic recoding head creates a magnetic domains that consists of he information code of the sounds that are passed through the coil.

Quartz crystals will store the geometric pattern of thought in much the same way. We store patterns in our subtle bodies. When stimulated by a magnetic field, we radiate hat vibration out into space. This field will act on matter or fluids. When water is spun in a right-handed spiral, the flowing water creates an oscillating field up to 0.07 Gauss. This field is of sufficient magnitude to amplify he information stored in the crystal, extract that information, and structure the water molecules in systematic arrays with the patterns and information codes locking into the crystalline system of that quartz.
As we think, we produce patterns. These patterns are omnipresent. They transcend the electromagnetic spectrum. By their presence they act on matter. Matter is then moved to action, much as we experience sound and light.

When we spin this matter we also create a magnetic vector and an electric vector. We develop the quality of attraction and repulsion. We move a charge into being. The moving water then becomes an analogy to the breath. As we breathe, we bring in a volume of air and it spins as it goes down the trachea filling our lungs with this air. As we hold that air in our lungs, a vibration, an oscillation takes place. In other words, the patterns of thought that are stored in space by the act of thinking are drawn into our body by breath process into the bloodstream with the information codes of our breath. We transmit thought by pumping blood throughout the entire body.
We exist in our bodies and out of our bodies at the same time. There is that wonderful relationship that is moving back and forth living IN one level of matter and moving OUT of matte. When we take our breath in and hold it for a period of time, at first there is the struggle of feeling constrained. Suddenly, we may feel peace, tranquility, and oneness come through our body. 
We feel drawn to become light, free from the earth's magnetic field and we move into the infinity of space, space that has no dimension or limitation. When we breathe autonomically, the body regulates our breath causing an alteration between the left and the right nostril. When we deliberately do dual nostril breathing, we are feeding both hemispheres of the brain with oxygen. We are stimulating the rest of the body with the informational codes that are stored in and around the body. We feel this as an inner sense of peace and quiet. After a periods of trim, breathing in this manner, we sense a totality and a feeling of oneness.

Within every life form there is a spark of the Divine Mind, we call the soul. We all come from our Father and it is our job to take this spark and ignite within ourselves the flame of our thoughts, actions, and deeds, so that the outward expression of our soul is at peace and harmony with the inner purpose for our existence on this earth place.

"Man know thyself". We know self by the observations of our own actions and the acquiring of the teaching from what we have done and what we need to do. The greatest teacher we have is ourself, because we are here to find and bring into being the qualities of the life God has given to us. This comes from thinking, this comes from questioning, this comes from acting on what we have done or learned. But, above all, the greatest thing we can is to share our life and our experience with others so that we become one with our neighbors and our neighbors become one with the community. There is no longer the individual differentiation, but the integration of he one into the whole. Once we realize that we are truly the spark of the Divine Mind, what do we have to fear except fear itself.

God so loved mankind that He sent His own son to open our hearts again, to understand our divine heritage, to love one another as He has love us. Life is, in the end, so very beautiful. Man, too often, makes life a struggle for power, position, for accumulation of material objects. Can we take that which is of matter with us when we transcend: The answer is no but, we can and do take with us our thoughts, the results of our deeds. Above all, I believe we take the capacity we have acquired o love one another.