Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The De La Warr Mark IV - Thought Photography Camera

       The Mark IV Thought Photography camera was manufactured by the De La Warr laboratories in England in the 1950's. It was designed to capture on film the subtle vibration of a witness (a sample of the vibration of a person or object) whether sputum or a drop of blood, and transfer these vibrations onto a photographic image. There are three significant factors involved in operating this equipment:

1). The instrument itself
2). The photographic plate (glass or film) and
3). The operator

        One of the major problems in the operation of this camera is the necessity of charging the plate prior to using the camera.

        A vital force or charge must be translated to the film in order for a picture to be created in this camera. It is my belief that this is very analogous to electro-photography in which a plate is charged by the corona discharge in an electro-photographic dopier. The charge is acted upon by light, producing an image on the drum, transferred by the toner application to the paper, and fixed o the paper by heat. In the case or the De La Warr camera, I felt that a subtle energy charge was necessary and could e created by the use of a four sided single terminated meditation crystal.

        An invitation presented itself for me to visit David Tansley in England. He arranged a meeting with the owners of the De La Warr camera, Elizabeth Baerlein and Lavender Dower, at their home in Oxford, England. We agreed on a research protocol.

1). - I would not touch the plate; Elizabeth Baerlein would load the plate into the holder,
2). - I would charge every other plate with the crystal, in the light
3). - Lavender Dower would test, with a pendulum, the energy that was being accumulated in the plate. The three or us would decide when we had a fully charged plate.
        A crystal was held four to six inches over the plate in the wooden holder. I drew my breath in and began o pulse my breath onto the plate. A change was immediately noted in the reading on the pendulum. When we dame to a certain numeric value, we stopped and asked what length of exposure was required. The answer was 14 seconds, which was noted. The holder was marked and we decided on observing the heart chakra of my body. This rate was set into the camera, after I put a witness of a drop of my sputum on the witness plate. The other set of values were designating the vibrational rate of my own body and the earth's magnetic fields which surrounded Oxford.

        When it was time to try the first exposure I stepped back about forty feet from the camera and said "Let's take a frontal view of my body" and faced the camera. One of the plates was chosen randomly and put into the camera. The switch was turned on for 14 seconds. I felt nothing in my body and noted that to my associates.
        The next plate was loaded and when the switch was turned on I immediately felt a pressure in the solar plexus and thymus region of my body. I began to sway and noted this  effect verbally. Both plates were developed. The first had not been charged and was totally free from any image or fogging. The second plate was excessively overexposed and would not clear in the hypo bath after five minutes. I reached in and touched the plate and when I lifted it out from the hypo into the red safe light, it immediately cleared. There was an image of a spiral of energy on the glass plate, with points or light scattered throughout the plate.

        The experiment was repeated three times in a row with exactly the same results. An untreated plate in the De La Warr camera gave no image and the treated plate produced images. I then said" Let us see what a side view would look like". We followed the same procedure with side views and now we had a three fold flame emerging from the plea. This was repeated a number of times. These events were observed y David Tansley, Lavender Dower, and Elizabeth Baerlein.

        The photographic glass plates were Ilford ordinary #N.30 glass, with an Ilford meter setting of 16 degrees and the speed group A, black and white. The photographic developer was B.72 and the fixer was Hypo (sodium hyposulfate). I left the crystal with the two ladies and they worked for months after I left with no apparent success in producing any images.
         Images can be formed on photographic film purely by the intention of the operator as in the case of Ted Serios, but there is no control over the image production or the capacity to get repeatable results in any one event.

        What does the De La Warr camera contain?

        When Lavender Dower loaned me the camera, I took it apart, carefully measured and photographed the equipment. The lower and larger box contains three chambers, with the dimensions of the "King's Chamber", in which an electrical vibrator produces a tone. There are 12 dials in three rows. They are attached to various lengths of wire that lead to a magnet which is set in a vertical position. Two of these units are identical and they are tuned by a rubbing plate. the third unit is a spiral of wire which can be tuned to various positions on the ascending or descending spiral form. this, too, leads to a magnet set with the north pole in the up position and is tuned accordingly. There is another box on top which is separated by posts. This holds the film plate holder and contains within it three parabolic reflectors aligned to each or he magnetic rods. he focal point of the parabolic reflectors is the glass pate. The plate holder is completely light tight. To operate the equipment, it is rotated until it is facing due west.

         There were implications from George De La Warr's work wok that we can move, with a camera like this, in and out of time. We can precipitate, on film, the three physical states of matter.

Seven turn Time Spiral

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Crystal Skull

        It is my belief that natural quartz skulls are information transfer devices. It has been my pleasure to work with the Mitchell-Hedges skull which is carved from a single quartz crystal, weighing 475 troy ounces and measuring 8.25 inches across the width of the skull.

        Working with Mrs. Hedges, the skull was held in my hands and brought in opposition to the solar plexus. Deep breathing exercises were then initiated and Mrs. Hedges, in looking at the skull, remarked that it had become luminous with light emanating from the eye sockets. When this took place, we both took a deep breath and entered the skull together with intention on the outgoing breath. We immediately felt a coolness, and a vibrating, oscillating motion took place in our bodies. By breath control this oscillation stopped, but when we let our breath out and relaxed, this oscillation came back. This was followed by a sound or tone being felt in the skull. A change in pitch was noted until a constant tone was felt. We then drew our breath in and focused our minds on knowing the intention of the functioning the these skulls.

        We let our breath out, and suddenly we saw a temple with a hole in the top. The skull sat on a pedestal directly under this hole. There was a priest with a shaved head, robed in white, wearing a medallion of gold inscribed  with the image of the sun and its rays. The priest waited for the light of the sun to strike the skull, illuminating it in much the same way as in our experience. An older person with a shaved head came into the temple. The priest put his left hand on the head of the elderly man and his right hand on the crystal skull. He drew his breath in and pulsed the breath. The information in the mind of the older man was now transferred to the skull. He left and in his place came a young girl also dressed in white. The priest reversed his hands, placed his left hand on the skull and his right hand on the head of the young girl. He drew his breath in and pulsed his breath. That knowledge that was contained in the skull was now in the mind of the young person. This was repeated many, many times and suddenly the image faded.

        From this experience it was felt that these devices were information transfer systems. The transfer of patterns of thought stored in the brain could be utilized by a transfer mechanism of this type from one generation to another. This precluded the necessity of writing everything down and having to re-translate that written document back into the imagery that was required of the written word.


Monday, June 10, 2024

Records are Written in Stone


        Down through the ages monuments have been erected and inscribed by humanity with various patterns of design and decoration. In this article we will discuss a deeper meaning to these stone structures.

        Let us now think of them as a means of communication of information from past minds. These may also be devices for amplifying weak energy fields that are contained in the soil caused by movement of subterranean bodies of water and the accumulation of various mineral elements. These subterranean forces have been given the name LEY LINES. The location of these lines of force may be detected with the use of a pendulum held in one's hand. The may also be determined by dowsing rods. Moving subterranean fields, when crossing in a positive direction, give amplified signals at the crossover point; when crossing is opposing or in negative they give weakened or negative fields. Ley lines also occur in the right handed and left hand spiral formations. Two good books on this subject are "Dowsing and Archaeology" by Tom Graves, Touchstone Books, Wellingborough Northamptonshire, U.K. and "Site Survey Dowsing" by Cleve Thompson, same publisher.

        The erecting of stones and stone monuments over these areas amplifies these fields. They create a vortex of energy which are often called sacred spots. One of these is Stonehenge. The patterns of energy that have been dowsed correspond to the placement of stones that are at this site. I feel the following actions take place:  the moon acts on the subterranean bodies of water creating an expansion and expansion of the fluidic body.  The water then flows with increasing velocity and spins as it moves in the subterranean beds creating a vortex of a pulsating magnetic type field. These fields expanded throughout the earth and act as paramagnetic material.

        Feldspar, granite and quartz are paramagnetic. They are responsive to these types of fields; they store the vibrations and re-radiate them into a set of vibratory patterns. To experience these fields, use a dowsing rod to locate where he field is at its maximum on a standing stone that you wish to examine. Stand in this field with arms outstretched and approach the rock until you feel the energy field at a maximum. With your eyes closed reach over and touch the stone with both hands. Breathe in, and breathe out. Slowly breathe in and separate your hands from the stone, then breathe out and hold your breath. As you do this you will feel a pulsation in your body like being exposed to a dynamo. As the energy enters your body, keep focused on it and begin to draw your breath in and out slowly. When you attune in this way, the physical body will oscillate and with the eyes closed there will be a series of flashing lights taking place at the third eye. 
        Keep focused on that light, keep breathing, and if data is stored in that stone structure, there will appear to the observer as a series of rapidly forming images. Record the reactions so that information can be pulled from various locales where this type of data is stored. This was done at the Elephant Caves in Mumbai, India; at the sacred mountain in Trivandrum and in various hillside shrines in Mysore, India. If you have only a small sample of rock, the same can be done by holding the rock in one hand, drawing in the breath and becoming one with the rock on the outgoing breath.

        When an ancient monument has been designed and constructed out of stone, the pattern of the whole can be seen by a trained individual by doing the following:

1) - Charge a Vogel-cut® healing crystal with breath and intention;

2) - Direct the energy of the crystal to the stone object you wish to investigate;

3) - Focus on it, draw your breath in, close your eyes and pulse the breath through the nostrils with the intention of opening the records that are written in the stone;

4) - Take the stone in your hand and draw in the breath, close your eyes and pulse the breath into the stone object;

5) - Breathe in two or three times slowly back and forth. As you do this, you open the third eye with the intention of seeing the records that are written in the stone;

6) - Hold your breath, look at and describe the images that come through to the mind's eye. Have a friend transcribe this and go over the data when you have completed this information transfer.

        This opens a whole new form of creative archaeology, not only digging up the stones as archaeological site, but seeing the completed structure from the witness sample of the individual stones.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Color and Sound


        Throughout the ages, humanity has been aware of the impact and influence of both sound and color. In our laboratory, and those of other scientists that are working with us, we are studying the effect of both sound and color on healing and how these vehicles aid in the stabilizing of an individual.
        Much has been written and published on this subject and our experimental plan is focused on the study of the brain wave patterns of Alpha (8-14cps), Beta (14-28 cops), and Theta (4-8cps). What we are looking for is the change in these patterns upon exposure to color, light, and sound with and without a crystal.
        We have found that the effects of an operator holding a Vogel-cut® crystal are as follows:

a) 4-sided:  increase in theta when crystal is placed in the hand with a decrease in alpha and an increase in beta.
b) 6-sided:  no change in alpha, increase in beta and maintenance in theta.
c) 8-sided:  an expansion of theta, strong expansion of beta, suppression of alpha.

        In my early work using plants as a sensor for the bio-energetic vibration measurements, it was found that specific tone frequencies caused resonance to take place in both the observer and the plant system. This occurred at 700 cycles, 14 kilocycles, and 21 kilocycles. These resonant nodes discovered in 1970 and 1971 are now found to be true with crystals also. They act as an amplifier and bring about an increase in brain wave affinity. As we have found the peak stimulation vibrations with sound, we are now looking for the equivalency in light and color.
        Much has been written on the psycho-physics of color and sound. The correlation of these vibrations with specific function activity in and around the body has received little attention. This is our work: to quantify, through activity of color, light, and sound in its feeding, stimulating, and releasing various partners of vibration which are contained, locked, and fixated in an individual's subtle body.

        When we think of color, especially clothing that is worn, we should always consider the duality of the color being worn. This color is reflecting that vibration into space, thereby working on the subtle body with that radiation. The complement of that color is being absorbed into the dense physical body with its absorption characteristics.
        When we wear a color, the visible color is what is being reflected outwards to an observer. It is the complementary color that is affecting the physical body of the wearer.
        The dualism of color is not present when one deals with light passing through a transparent filter. A filter absorbs all radiation except that particular color that one sees. Therefore, it allows on to be bathed in both the physical and subtle body with that radiation. This has no element of dualism.

        There is another class of pigments which absorb ultra-violet radiation and emit these as fluorescent colors. These are pure sources of pigmented color without the element of dualism. They absorb the radiation that is not in the visible spectrum and translate it into fluorescence and visible light. These types of color are spoken of as daylight fluorescent colors. The effect of these colors is very powerful, especially in the witness (thymus) area.
        Test this for yourself by taking swatches of daylight fluorescent fabric or color swatches, placing the sample on the witness area and breathe in deeply. Observe the effect on your equilibrium with the color present and the not present. Next, try it with ordinary pigments and test the difference.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Alchemy of Water

There are two types of water:  bulk water and activated or structured water. The water that comes out of the tap is bulk water - lifeless water piped from underground sources or deep reservoirs. Spring water or water from a bubbling stream is structured by sunlight and aeration. The biologist and chemist take bulk water from the tap, purify it through reverse osmosis or distillation, and then use it to reproduce, in the test tube, chemical reactions which normally occur in plants and in healthy animal cells next to cellular membranes under structured water conditions. (Mikesell, 1985)

     The alchemist seeks to reproduce in the laboratory the structured water conditions found in nature. They vary their method of collecting and processing the water to find these qualities which are ignored even today. The procedures are aimed at either preserving the vital quality of the water found in nature, or reactivating the vitality of the water if it has been lost.

     Their sources of water are the collection of dew, rain, snow, or hail. Rain, snow, and hail are rather pure sources of this water, while dew, when collected from plants, contains trace minerals. The morning sunlight makes dew so vitally active, that walking barefoot in dew is a Native American method of healing the body; while walking on sand is used for increasing the body's vital energy. Sunlight acting on water in a plant leaf transfers a charge to the water. Water from a stream is activated both by sunlight and by flowing over quartz sand. Our research is investigating this structuring of water by the energy transferred from quartz crystals and sunlight into water.

      Rain water and snow have both been used by modern alchemists at Paracelsus College (Parachemy 1977, Essentia 1980 & 82). Rain water was collected during a thunderstorm in insulated containers before it contacted the earth in order to prevent the high electrical charge from being grounded out. Pure rain water has a higher nitrogen content during an electrical storm (Parachemy 1977).

      The present day rain water has an acid component. Therefore, the alchemist distills this water to remove the acids and re-electrifies it with a 500,000 volt, 59 microampere Van de Graff generator to give it the electrical charge lost during distillation. From this water is formed the Universal Gur,  considered by alchemists as one of the prime substances of life, similar to the amino acids and nucleic acids formed in modern laboratories by the electrification of atmospheric nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. This Universal Gur is used as the starting material for generating the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. To make the Gur, the water is covered with a cloth and allowed to stand in a warm, dark place for 1 to 3 months, during which time a purification takes place. This water is then fractionated through distillation. The first 1/4 fraction is distilled by simmering below 100 degrees C. The Gur is the thin honey-like substance left after the last fraction. Because care must be taken that the Gur is not burnt, it is dried at 80 degrees C. The other fractions are designated as the fire, air, water, and earth of water. Each fraction has a different pH, the Gur found after the last fraction having a pH of 8.0.

      Another  procedure used by alchemists at Paracelsus College for fractionating water into its different components was described to me by Karl Lee from the Big Sur area. Water is placed in a tank with three sections. Each section is separated by a kidney dialysis membrane. At each end of the tank is placed a carbon electrode from a 12 volt D.C. current source. This arrangement produces water which is acid in one section, neutral in the middle, and alkaline in the other section. All three types of water have healing qualities. The acid portion of this water has been shown to dissolve calcification in arthritis. When used for this purpose, it is followed by some of the neutral to stop this process, it is followed by some of the neutral water to stop its decalcifying action. Because the purification step is omitted, this method produces the purest activated water. I would expect this procedure to produce a structured water because it has been activated by the electrolytic separation.

      Another way of producing activated water by alchemists is the use of sunlight, whether natural sunlight, sunlight separated into one of its colors with a prism, or sunlight shone through a flask of colored liquid. In general, red and yellow light will activate the water in an acid manner, while the blue and green light will activate the water in an alkaline manner. Each of these different color-activated waters have a distinct taste. Water structured with a yellow tungsten bulb has a different UV spectrum than water structured with a Kiva Light, which is a full spectrum Vita light centered in the green end of the spectrum. An example of the use of sunlight to activate H2O is the alchemical procedure of placing a flask of water and reactants half way into a dung heap. The dung heap provides steady heat from the thermophilic bacteria, while the sunlight both structures the water in the flask and causes daily evaporation and re-precipitation within the flask.

       A magnet will structure water in an acidic manner with its south pole and in an alkaline manner with its north pole. Recent experiments have shown that the north pole water is an antibiotic water and the north pole of a magnet will stop bacterial infections and tumors (Mikesell, 1985). More work needs to be done in comparing the magnetic structuring of water to the crystal structuring of water.

      We are using crystals to activate water. These quartz crystals are Vogel-cut® and double terminated. They are either 4, 6, or 8 sided and of clear quartz or a light yellow citrine quartz. These crystals are charged manually and will induce structuring in pure distilled water. However, the addition of 0.01% silica causes structuring to occur. This structuring is best assayed with a UV spectrophotometer where one finds an increase in UV absorption due to an increase in the water bonding from the water forming chains on itself. The magnetic moment of this water is increased by 0.07 gauss and there is also an increase in the pH and dielectric conductivity. Boiling of the water after structuring shows no change in the UV spectrum, so one can conclude that a permanent chemical change has taken place. When a drop of this structured silica water is dried on a slide and compared with untreated silica water, the photomicrograph shows the formation of needle-like silica crystals in the structured water drop, while the untreated water dried to an amorphous mass of silica gel. This shows that the process of structuring water produces a structuring or ordering effect on the solutes in solution.

       Polywater is structured water which is condensed from unsaturated water vapor in narrow capillary tubes. Polywater, like structured water, has a higher density, more viscosity, and a lower freezing point than normal water (Perthing, 1979). It was originally thought to be composed of pure water, but subsequent investigations show the structuring of polywater was due to a small amount of sodium silicate in the water which leached out from the glass capillary tubes (Derjaguin and Churaev, 1973). Our research into this phenomenon has shown 0.01% of silica gel to have a maximum structuring effect on water activated by a crystal plus a xenon strobe.  It is then tested with the UV spectrophotometer. A small amount of dissolved silica is also a characteristic of the activated spring waters that we have investigated.

       Another way of producing structured water is the alchemical procedure of succussive dilution. Succussive dilution is the homeopathic practice of making a dilute solution by starting with a 1/10th dilution, shaking the bottle 100 times and making another 1/10th dilution. This process of serial dilution and shaking is continued until the desired dilute solution is reached. Nowadays, only homeopaths us this technique. Dilution and succussion used to be the only method of preparing alchemical solutions, because the alchemist found they could get more activity from succussively compounded dilute solutions than from normal concentrated solutions. By the process of succussively adding 1/10th of a material and shaking the bottle, they were able to get more material into their solution. As we have seen from the dried silica gel experiments, these supersaturated solutions made up of structured water will form crystals upon further evaporation.The shaking between solutions or dilutions increases hydration shells around each of the ions, which increases the distance between paired ions. This overcomes the natural tendency of pair ions, such as Na+Cl¯­ to remain in closed association and results in a higher activity of these solutions when compared to normal dilutions. For example, HgCl2 when diluted beyond the point of having an HgCl2 present, that is beyond 10-23gm/L showed a dielectric conductivity comparable to a lower dilution (Mikesell 1985).

      Succussively diluting chemical compounds and medicines, or preparing them with some form of structured water, results in a more dilute solution activating the chemical reactions when compared to standard dilutions made with bulk water. This structured water can be activated with crystals, sunlight, magnets, electrolytic separation, or re-electrification. The alchemists, by using these living waters, have discovered a different set of laws regulating chemistry and medicine under conditions which more closely resemble the living state.