Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Prana, Od, Orgone Energy and Bio-Plasmic Fields


         What is breath? In modern times we have be able to measure the composition of the atmosphere which we breathe. We know from analysis that the air contains oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and a combination of gases , namely helium, krypton, xenon, argon, and neon. Is there something beyond these chemical elements that we live with in the atmosphere that surrounds us? Is there a life energy force which we trace in with breath and feed our body?

          From earliest time man has realized that breath is more than the essential characteristics of life. The ancient teaching of Hindu and Tibetan Masters claimed that there was an intelligent energy which they named "prana".

          According to them , this pranic energy is essential to the maintenance of the body, the activity of the mind and the integration of the soul into mater. It is a power, a force, which resides in all matter.

          Baron Karl von Reichenbach dealt with this question and put his observations in a book, which he published in 1852: Letters on Od and Magnetism: The Odic Theory. One of his experimental procedures was to place individuals, who were naturally sensitive to very weak vibrartions, into a dark room. The Baron gave each of them a quartz crystal to hold in their hand, and to look at it. He kept records on what they observed. They reported that luminous clouds swirled through and emanated from the tips of these crystals. He investigated many individuals observing the same crystal. He would have them place their finger on the end of a crystal and they reported that one side felt cool while the other felt warm.

Baron Karl von Reichenbach

           Reichenbach also did experiments with water. He placed one glass of water in reflected light and other in filtered sunlight. When they had been there for six to eight minutes he had a "sensitive" sip the water. In reflected light the water tasted cool and slightly acidic. The water from filtered light tasted mawkish and bitter. He went on to put a sample of water on the front tip of a crystal and another sample or water on the rear of a crystal. The sensitive who tasted the two waters experienced a distinct difference between them. He then placed a glass of water in moonlight and a glass of water in sunlight. The taste of the glass of water in the moonlight was insipid. The water in the sunlight had a vital distinctly different taste. When the sensitive observed these samples of water in complete darkness, they described differences or color in their radiation or emanations.

            Reichenbach then repeated these experimented with a magnet, by putting a glass or water at each pole of the magnet. He had the sensitive tasted the water from each pole. The north pole was fresh and cool. The south pole was lukewarm and disgusting.

            In the laboratory we have found that the exposure of water to light, especially in the near ultra-violet range, will structure water. It will alter its pH and modify the taste of the water from the control, as shown by Reichenbach in his work. We have found that when you hold a double terminated crystal about three inches above the water, focus your mind and pulse a thought with breath into the water, it become structured. The water develops a flavor and odor distinct from water that has not been treated. In our laboratory we have validated Reichenbach's observations, that "a force has moved from a crystal to the water". This causes the water to structure and change it pH and surface tension, as well as altering its taste.

            Dr. Charles W. Littlefield in his book, The Beginning and the Way of Life, showed that water, when it evaporates, creates a magnetic-like field. This filed is very sensitive to the minds of an individual. An interaction can take place between the radiating field of water and the mind of an individual to structure the salts contained in the water. The structure can then be seen by optical photomicrogaphy. Dr. Littlefield described the vital force (Od or Prana) as a subtle magnetism generated by the evaporation of water. These fields are stored in crystals, human tissue, or the cellular systems of our body. the field come into being through the evaporation of water which releases this vital energy. It then moves into space and forms vital linkages in the interaction between matter and he mind. It links matter and the forces we call Spirit. It is through water and its movement that we have the power, the force, to bring matter into a form which allows the soul do dwell and work at harmony with the patterns that it creates.

            Wilhelm Reich in his discoveries of Orgone energy found that energy not only is the atmosphere but also emanating from living things. This energy could be accumulated in a box whose walls were constructed of inorganic and organic materials, such as wood, paper, glass wool, plastic, etc. The person sitting in a box of this type becomes energized and feels better. I believe they are fed by their own vital energies emanating from the water evaporating from their own skin which produces a charge. This charge is taken through the breath into the body of the individual.

Wilhelm Reich

             A crystal looked at in a loving way causes a charge to move from the individual to the crystal. This charge can now be used to feed the body of that person. So,  with intention you can create around yourself a field which you can then transfer to the crystal. With an outgoing breath you store the field into the crystal.

             Prana or orgone energy is a  vital fluid that we need each day. Just like physical food, the body requires these energies to maintain cellular activity. The energy is necessary for physical, mental, and spiritual vitality. The quality of our ability to live in peace and harmony with ourselves comes from the ability to breathe deeply. We must breathe lovingly to live in peace and harmony.

             According to Reichenbach, Od is a cosmic force that radiates from star to star and has the whole universe for its field, just like light and heat. Could this not be what the ancients called Prana? This could be Wilhelm Reich's Orgone energy, Christ's Love. I believe this force is the essential missing link in Einstein's theory of relativity. Matter and energy and inter-convertible, but matter is held in form by a force or power, and as Bergson has said "matter is congealed energy".

             When you observe, under the microscope, a crystal that has been melted and watch it change from the molten state back to the solid crystalline form, a blue flash of light precedes the transition from the molten state to the solid state. Could we be observing the prana of that crystalline state?

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Rock Crystal


         The name crystal is derived from the Greek word "KRYSTALLOS" meaning ice or frozen water. Ancient belief, from the works of Pliny, is that rock crystal is formed by the action of extreme cold upon water over long periods of time in mountain caverns. The ladies in Rome carried rock crystal spheres in their hands to cool themselves in summer.
          To the Japanese people, rock crystal symbolized purity and the infinite patience. To them it was the perfect jewel. To the Western Church the desire to keep oneself free from stain and to have a pure faith.

          Rock crystal (quartz) is silicon dioxide (SiO2) grown into a single crystal. The atoms of the crystal are arranged in a helical pattern along with a vertical crystal axis. This helical pattern may be right-handed or left-handed. The right-handed crystal shows a pyramidal face on the top right hand corner of the prism face below the rhombohedral terminations. The left-handed crystal shows this face on the top left corner. The hardness of this material on a Moh's scale of 1 to 10 is 7. Specific gravity is 2.651 and the refractive index is 1.544 to 1.553. Crystals are found in nature as hexagonal prisms having rhombohedral terminations. Crystal is a trigonal quartz system, developing an electric current when heated. Quartz is also piezo electric, meaning it will generate an electric current when subjected to mechanical pressure. This property is used in pressure gauges, cigarette lighters and gas lighters found in many homes. When electric current is passed across a quartz crystal it becomes strained or deformed. This property is used in the movement of quartz clocks and watches.

         The fire used in Eleusian Mysteries was produced by laying rock crystal on wood chips so that the sun would shine through the crystal. The wood would first smoke and then burst into flame. This, claimed the Keepers of the Temple, was the best type of fire and most appreciated by the Gods.

         The Cherokee considered rock crystal to be a most powerful talisman that insured a successful hunt. Small crystal stones are utilized by the Australian aborigines in the preparation of talismans and amulets which they feel have the power to protect them from the demons which dwell in the bush and from the evil eye.
          Sir Walter Scott relates that the Highlanders call rock crystal the Stone of Power.
          In 1669 Nicolaus Steno, a Dane, wrote De Solido Intra Solidum Naturaliter. He rejected the rock crystal ice theory. He realized that crystals grew by the addition of new layers, the particles of which came out of a solution.
           The largest recorded single crystal is about 20 feet long, several feet thick and weighing about 40 tons.

Source : IN-SONORA

Marcel Vogel - Video presentation

         Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917 - 1991) was a research scientist for IBM’s San Jose facility for 27 years. He received numerous patents for his inventions during this time. Among these was the magnetic coating for the 24” hard disc drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise were phosphor technology, liquid crystal systems, luminescence and magnetics.

         In the 1970’s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal that is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal. The Vogel-cut®  crystal is an instrument that serves to store, amplify, convert, and cohere subtle energies.

         Marcel’s research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system. 

         For more information, read the pages of this blog created in memory of Marcel Joseph Vogel.

The De La Warr Mark IV - Thought Photography Camera

       The Mark IV Thought Photography camera was manufactured by the De La Warr laboratories in England in the 1950's. It was designed to capture on film the subtle vibration of a witness (a sample of the vibration of a person or object) whether sputum or a drop of blood, and transfer these vibrations onto a photographic image. There are three significant factors involved in operating this equipment:

1). The instrument itself
2). The photographic plate (glass or film) and
3). The operator

        One of the major problems in the operation of this camera is the necessity of charging the plate prior to using the camera.

        A vital force or charge must be translated to the film in order for a picture to be created in this camera. It is my belief that this is very analogous to electro-photography in which a plate is charged by the corona discharge in an electro-photographic dopier. The charge is acted upon by light, producing an image on the drum, transferred by the toner application to the paper, and fixed o the paper by heat. In the case or the De La Warr camera, I felt that a subtle energy charge was necessary and could e created by the use of a four sided single terminated meditation crystal.

        An invitation presented itself for me to visit David Tansley in England. He arranged a meeting with the owners of the De La Warr camera, Elizabeth Baerlein and Lavender Dower, at their home in Oxford, England. We agreed on a research protocol.

1). - I would not touch the plate; Elizabeth Baerlein would load the plate into the holder,
2). - I would charge every other plate with the crystal, in the light
3). - Lavender Dower would test, with a pendulum, the energy that was being accumulated in the plate. The three or us would decide when we had a fully charged plate.
        A crystal was held four to six inches over the plate in the wooden holder. I drew my breath in and began o pulse my breath onto the plate. A change was immediately noted in the reading on the pendulum. When we dame to a certain numeric value, we stopped and asked what length of exposure was required. The answer was 14 seconds, which was noted. The holder was marked and we decided on observing the heart chakra of my body. This rate was set into the camera, after I put a witness of a drop of my sputum on the witness plate. The other set of values were designating the vibrational rate of my own body and the earth's magnetic fields which surrounded Oxford.

        When it was time to try the first exposure I stepped back about forty feet from the camera and said "Let's take a frontal view of my body" and faced the camera. One of the plates was chosen randomly and put into the camera. The switch was turned on for 14 seconds. I felt nothing in my body and noted that to my associates.
        The next plate was loaded and when the switch was turned on I immediately felt a pressure in the solar plexus and thymus region of my body. I began to sway and noted this  effect verbally. Both plates were developed. The first had not been charged and was totally free from any image or fogging. The second plate was excessively overexposed and would not clear in the hypo bath after five minutes. I reached in and touched the plate and when I lifted it out from the hypo into the red safe light, it immediately cleared. There was an image of a spiral of energy on the glass plate, with points or light scattered throughout the plate.

        The experiment was repeated three times in a row with exactly the same results. An untreated plate in the De La Warr camera gave no image and the treated plate produced images. I then said" Let us see what a side view would look like". We followed the same procedure with side views and now we had a three fold flame emerging from the plea. This was repeated a number of times. These events were observed y David Tansley, Lavender Dower, and Elizabeth Baerlein.

        The photographic glass plates were Ilford ordinary #N.30 glass, with an Ilford meter setting of 16 degrees and the speed group A, black and white. The photographic developer was B.72 and the fixer was Hypo (sodium hyposulfate). I left the crystal with the two ladies and they worked for months after I left with no apparent success in producing any images.
         Images can be formed on photographic film purely by the intention of the operator as in the case of Ted Serios, but there is no control over the image production or the capacity to get repeatable results in any one event.

        What does the De La Warr camera contain?

        When Lavender Dower loaned me the camera, I took it apart, carefully measured and photographed the equipment. The lower and larger box contains three chambers, with the dimensions of the "King's Chamber", in which an electrical vibrator produces a tone. There are 12 dials in three rows. They are attached to various lengths of wire that lead to a magnet which is set in a vertical position. Two of these units are identical and they are tuned by a rubbing plate. the third unit is a spiral of wire which can be tuned to various positions on the ascending or descending spiral form. this, too, leads to a magnet set with the north pole in the up position and is tuned accordingly. There is another box on top which is separated by posts. This holds the film plate holder and contains within it three parabolic reflectors aligned to each or he magnetic rods. he focal point of the parabolic reflectors is the glass pate. The plate holder is completely light tight. To operate the equipment, it is rotated until it is facing due west.

         There were implications from George De La Warr's work wok that we can move, with a camera like this, in and out of time. We can precipitate, on film, the three physical states of matter.

Seven turn Time Spiral

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Crystal Skull

        It is my belief that natural quartz skulls are information transfer devices. It has been my pleasure to work with the Mitchell-Hedges skull which is carved from a single quartz crystal, weighing 475 troy ounces and measuring 8.25 inches across the width of the skull.

        Working with Mrs. Hedges, the skull was held in my hands and brought in opposition to the solar plexus. Deep breathing exercises were then initiated and Mrs. Hedges, in looking at the skull, remarked that it had become luminous with light emanating from the eye sockets. When this took place, we both took a deep breath and entered the skull together with intention on the outgoing breath. We immediately felt a coolness, and a vibrating, oscillating motion took place in our bodies. By breath control this oscillation stopped, but when we let our breath out and relaxed, this oscillation came back. This was followed by a sound or tone being felt in the skull. A change in pitch was noted until a constant tone was felt. We then drew our breath in and focused our minds on knowing the intention of the functioning the these skulls.

        We let our breath out, and suddenly we saw a temple with a hole in the top. The skull sat on a pedestal directly under this hole. There was a priest with a shaved head, robed in white, wearing a medallion of gold inscribed  with the image of the sun and its rays. The priest waited for the light of the sun to strike the skull, illuminating it in much the same way as in our experience. An older person with a shaved head came into the temple. The priest put his left hand on the head of the elderly man and his right hand on the crystal skull. He drew his breath in and pulsed the breath. The information in the mind of the older man was now transferred to the skull. He left and in his place came a young girl also dressed in white. The priest reversed his hands, placed his left hand on the skull and his right hand on the head of the young girl. He drew his breath in and pulsed his breath. That knowledge that was contained in the skull was now in the mind of the young person. This was repeated many, many times and suddenly the image faded.

        From this experience it was felt that these devices were information transfer systems. The transfer of patterns of thought stored in the brain could be utilized by a transfer mechanism of this type from one generation to another. This precluded the necessity of writing everything down and having to re-translate that written document back into the imagery that was required of the written word.